WHEN: April 29, 2018, gather at 3:15, kick-off at 3:30
WHERE: The Catholic Multicultural Center
1862 Beld St, Madison, WI 53713
WHAT: March from the Catholic Multicultural Center to South Park St, walking past Fountain of Life Covenant Church, Centro Hispano, The Boys and Girls Club, and back to the Catholic Multicultural Center by 4:15*
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: to make signs before the March, to set up before/clean up after at the CMC; and to be peacekeepers on the march route.
*For those who prefer not to march, please meet us at 4:15 at the Catholic Multicultural Center for food, music, words of inspiration, and good conversation!
Co-Sponsors (list in progress):
The Baha’i Community of Madison
Board of Christian Outreach, Lake Edge UCC
Boys and Girls Club of Dane County
Call for Peace Drum and Dance Company
Catholic Multicultural Center
Centro Hispano of Dane County
Dane Sanctuary Coalition
Family Farm Defenders
The Farley Center for Peace, Justice, and Sustainability
First Unitarian Society MOSES Ministry Team
Gray Panthers
Industrial Workers of the World
Jewish Congregations for Social Justice
Madinah Academy of Madison
Madison Christian Community
Madison Friends Meeting
Madison-Area Urban Ministry
MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality, and Solidarity)
NAACP of Dane County
Peregrine Forum of Wisconsin
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Social Action Committee of Prairie UU Society
South Central Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Temple Beth El
Unity of Madison
Wisconsin Council of Churches
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Wisconsin Green Muslims
Wisconsin Interfaith Power and Light
Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign