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MOSES Hybrid Monthly Meeting

February 9 @ 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

MOSES is a non-partisan interfaith organization that works to promote social justice with a focus on ending mass incarceration. Please join us for our monthly meeting where we reconnect and reenergize around the issues that we care so much about.

In-person venue:  UW South Madison Partnership, Room 104 at The Village on Park Street, 2238 S. Park Street

PARKING: Click here for a map.

Parking in the central area between the library and the Black Business Hub is limited to less than 1 hour in most of the spaces, so you may want to use the ample parking area to the west of the Goodman Library and north of the Village on Park Street. There is some disabled parking in front of the building that does not have the time restrictions.

PLEASE NOTE: The building will be locked but someone will be at the door to greet you prior to the meeting start time. If you arrive late, please call Barbie at 608-234-8118 to come let you in.

Come early (2:00 p.m.) to mingle.

Please bring your own agenda. (We’ll have a few extras.)

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81036805998?pwd=SHdMT3hOT253TlRjRUdaRythWE00QT09

If prompted, use this Meeting ID: 810 3680 5998 and Passcode: 640043 or  Dial: 312 626 6799


February 9
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Event Category:


Barbie Jackson


UW South Madison Partnership, Room 104
The Village on Park St, 2238 S. Park Street
Madison, WI 53713
+ Google Map


February 9
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Event Category:


Barbie Jackson


UW South Madison Partnership, Room 104
The Village on Park St, 2238 S. Park Street
Madison, WI 53713
+ Google Map