Join us for two exciting virtual community forums on Tuesday, March 16 at 6:30 pm and on Tuesday, March 23 at 6:30 pm. Both of the forums will be livestreamed on both the MOSES Facebook page and the MOSES Facebook Discussion Group.
The first forum will be a community conversation on the topic of sentencing. Marquette University Law School Professor Michael O’Hear, who wrote the book Wisconsin Sentencing in the Tough-on-Crime Era, will be doing a kickoff presentation that will lift up some of the key findings of his book. This presentation will be followed by presentations from UW-Madison Law School Professor Cecelia Klingele and members of MOSES, EXPO, and Nehemiah. The event will conclude with a panel discussion featuring directly impacted people and public officials who have power over the sentencing process in Dane County.
The second forum will be a Dane County judicial candidates’ forum. More information about this forum is at:
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