WISDOM Old Law Task Force Conference Call
Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the "old" sentencing and parole laws. Call: Tel: 712-432-1601 Use Code:423950
Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the "old" sentencing and parole laws. Call: Tel: 712-432-1601 Use Code:423950
Senator LaTonya Johnson, Representative Chris Taylor, and Representative Evan Goyke will soon be introducing the Safe Communities Act, and hope to provide more specificity on when force is employed by adopting standards our communities expect and include use of force training, focusing on de-escalation tactics, in required annual training. These use of force policies are […]
Call (712) 432- 1601 Use Code 423951 Join this statewide call which discusses our work to: End crimeless revocations. The largest number of people entering Wisconsin prisons are actually re-entering prison. About 4,000 prison admissions each year are people who have not been convicted of a new crime. Open the doors of opportunity through Ban […]
This is a changed date in June for MOSES’ monthly Justice System Reform Initiative meeting. The sole agenda topic of this meeting is to prepare our testimony for the June 6 joint meeting of the Dane County committees for Health & Human Services and Public Protection and Security, which will be held on Tuesday, June 6 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss mental health/substance […]
Please join us for our monthly meeting. 9:30 Coffee and Fellowship 10:00 Meeting
This is one of several focus areas within MOSES' Justice System Reform Initiative. Its purpose is to train Justice System Reform Group and other MOSES members - to engage in difficult discussions, - to speak confidently on issues, and - to testify effectively in settings such as County meetings.
Dane County Supervisors Rusk and Levin, chairs of the HHN and PP&J committees, have agreed to hold this meeting to jointly discuss mental health/substance abuse issues in our community especially as it involves planning for remodeling the jail.
Join us for one of several focus areas within MOSES' Justice System Reform Initiative. The purpose of this event is: to review and advocate for implementation of county workgroup recommendations to keep people out of the criminal justice system, to attend CJC meetings in order to track developments related to implementation of the diversion recommendations, to testify for […]
Call: 712-432-1601 Use Code: 423950 Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the “old” sentencing and parole laws.
Call: 712-432-1601 Use code: 423950 Please join our work to greatly reduce the use of solitary confinement. More than 15 days in solitary confinement is torture. It magnifies mental health issues and destroys people. Other states and nations have learned to get by without it, we can too.
Call: 712-432- 1601 Use code 423950 The prison population in Wisconsin has more than tripled since 1990. Wisconsin has the highest black male incarceration rate in the country. Half of African American men in their 30s in Milwaukee County have been in state prison. Incarceration is expensive and comes with additional social costs. We can keep […]
This particular meeting is important for MOSES because the Hunt & Mead Report, which will include their recommendations about a new jail and associated programs, will be discussed. The report will then be presented to the Dane County Board on June 15th.
This particular Dane County Board Meeting is important for MOSES because the Hunt & Mead Report, which will include their recommendations about a new jail and associated programs, will be discussed.
Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. MOSES will have an information table at this annual event.
This meeting will focus on member responses to the survey on member education needs. All are welcome: contact Mary at 233-8385 for her address.
Call: (712) 432- 1601 Use Code: 423951 Join this statewide call which discusses our work to: End crimeless revocations. The largest number of people entering Wisconsin prisons are actually re-entering prison. About 4,000 prison admissions each year are people who have not been convicted of a new crime. Open the doors of opportunity through Ban […]
MOSES is a non-partisan interfaith organization that works to promote social justice with a focus on ending mass incarceration. Please join us for our monthly meeting, wherein we reconnect and reenergize around the issues about which we care so much. 9:30 Coffee and Fellowship 10:00 Meeting
Call: 712-432-1601 Use Code: 423950 Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the “old” sentencing and parole laws.
Come to this fundraiser to support MOSES and learn more about our efforts to create a more just community. Pick up Coffee and homemade muffins baked by Carmella Jackson of Melly Mel's Catering.
Call: 605-468-8012 (NEW) Use code: 423950 Please join our work to greatly reduce the use of solitary confinement. More than 15 days in solitary confinement is torture. It magnifies mental health issues and destroys people. Other states and nations have learned to get by without it, we can too.