WISDOM Old Law Task Force Conference Call

Call: 605-468-8012 Use code: 423950 Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the “old” sentencing and parole laws.

MOSES Picnic Celebration and Fund Raiser

Burrows Park Shelter 25 Burrows Road, Madison, WI

Please join us at Burrows Park for our celebratory, pot luck picnic dinner on a beautiful Thursday, mid-summer evening! Shared food and beverages at the park shelter Drumming demonstration and lessons by Madison Area Drum/Dance Circle Vocal performance by Andrea Harris and group sing-along led by Carolyn Moynihan-Bradt Lawn games and fun activities for families […]

MOSES Leadership Board

St Luke's Episocopal Church 4011 Major Avenue, Madison

The Leadership Board is the strategic decision-making body of MOSES, consisting of the Executive Committee and voting delegates of member congregations and of the Individuals Caucus. Other members may attend as non-voting observers, as space permits.

WISDOM Post-release Task Force Conference Call

Call: 605-468-8012 Use Code:  423951 Join this statewide call which discusses our work to: End crimeless revocations. The largest number of people entering Wisconsin prisons are actually re-entering prison. About 4,000 prison admissions each year are people who have not been convicted of a new crime. Open the doors of opportunity through Ban the Box […]

Like an Animal in a Cage – Voices from Solitary Confinement

Madison Public Library 201 W. Mifflin St., Madison, WI

Back by popular demand! Where:  Third Floor of Madison Public Library What:  Hear the words of men and women locked in solitary confinement.  Meet and talk with with survivors of solitary confinement.  Learn what is needed to put an end to the overuse of solitary cofinement in our jails and prisons. More:  Please see this flyer  […]

MOSES Monthly Meeting

MCC/Advent Lutheran/ Community of Hope UCC 7118 Old Sauk Road, Madison, WI, United States

MOSES is a non-partisan interfaith organization that works to promote social justice with a focus on ending mass incarceration. Please join us for our monthly meeting where we reconnect and reenergize around the issues that we care so much about. 3:00 Coffee and Fellowship 3:30 Meeting

MOSES Religious Leaders Caucus

Join religious leaders from congregations throughout Dane County as we mobilize and turn our words into action. Meeting will be at St. Lukes's Episcopal Church in the Jericho room.  Come in through the door off the parking lot and use the stairs to get to the Jericho room on the lower level. Hope to see […]

MOSES Justice System Reform Initiative (MJSRI)

Madison Police Station South District 825 Hughes Place, Madison, WI, United States

This is MOSES' monthly Justice System Reform Initiative meeting where we discuss Advocating for a comprehensive justice system data bank Improving jail conditions for all parties at the jail Diversion methods to keep people out of the criminal justice system Establishing a restoration center for Dane County Education and experiential learning for MOSES members

WISDOM Old Law Task Force Conference Call

Call: 605-468-8012 Use code: 423950 Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the “old” sentencing and parole laws.

WISDOM Solitary Confinement Task Force Conference Call

WISDOM Solitary Confinement Task Force Conference Call Call: 605-468-8012 Use code: 423950 Please join our work to greatly reduce the use of solitary confinement. More than 15 days in solitary confinement is torture. It magnifies mental health issues and destroys people. Other states and nations have learned to get by without it, we can too.

WISDOM Prison Prevention Task Force Conference Call

Call:  605-468-8012 Use code:  423950 The prison population in Wisconsin has more than tripled since 1990. Wisconsin has the highest black male incarceration rate in the country. Half of African American men in their 30s in Milwaukee County have been in state prison. Incarceration is expensive and comes with additional social costs. We can keep […]

WISDOM Post-release Task Force Conference Call

Call: 605-468-8012 Use Code:  423951 Join this statewide call which discusses our work to: End crimeless revocations. The largest number of people entering Wisconsin prisons are actually re-entering prison. About 4,000 prison admissions each year are people who have not been convicted of a new crime. Open the doors of opportunity through Ban the Box […]

WISDOM Old Law Task Force Conference Call

Call: 605-468-8012 Use code: 423950 Join this call to discuss advocacy efforts for incarcerated people trapped within the changes of the “old” sentencing and parole laws.

MOSES Monthly Meeting

First United Methodist Church 203 Wisconsin Ave, Madison, WI, United States

MOSES is a non-partisan interfaith organization that works to promote social justice with a focus on ending mass incarceration. Please join us for our monthly meeting where we reconnect and reenergize around the issues that we care so much about. 3:00 Coffee and Fellowship 3:30 Meeting

WISDOM Solitary Confinement Task Force Conference Call

Call: 605-468-8012 Use code: 423950 Please join our work to greatly reduce the use of solitary confinement. More than 15 days in solitary confinement is torture. It magnifies mental health issues and destroys people. Other states and nations have learned to get by without it, we can too.

WISDOM Prison Prevention Task Force Conference Call

Call:  605-468-8012 Use code:  423950 The prison population in Wisconsin has more than tripled since 1990. Wisconsin has the highest black male incarceration rate in the country. Half of African American men in their 30s in Milwaukee County have been in state prison. Incarceration is expensive and comes with additional social costs. We can keep […]

MOSES Religious Leaders Caucus – cancelled this month

Join religious leaders from congregations throughout Dane County as we mobilize and turn our words into action. Meeting will be at St. Lukes's Episcopal Church in the Jericho room.  Come in through the door off the parking lot and use the stairs to get to the Jericho room on the lower level. Hope to see […]

Criminal Justice Reform: What Should be Done?

Capitol Lakes Retirement Center 333 West Main Street, Madison, WI

Please join us for this Madison Institute event, co-sponsored by MOSES and many others. Presenters Representative Evan Goyke Eric Howland Frank Davis Ron Johnson, DC Restorative Courts Coordinator