Resources for Congregations
Invite a MOSES speaker
For groups or “education hour.” Topics include:
- Crimeless Revocation
- Solitary Confinement
- MOSES: What it is and what we do
- Old Law Parole
- The School to Prison Pipeline
- The New Jim Crow: Racial Disparities in Our Criminal Justice System
Email info@mosesmadison.org. Include preferred date and topic area to be addressed. Allow at least three weeks prior to requested event.
Host a Book Discussion
- Messiah Lutheran Church read Waking Up White by Debbie Irving and facilitated 2 two-hr. evening sessions in summer.
- St. Luke’s Episcopal Church team organized a book reading and held 3 discussion groups about the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stephenson. The groups each met 3 times, with most families in congregation having at least one member participating.
Contact Michael Marshall - Madison Christian Community led a “Big Read” of Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism by Drew Hart. Over 20 congregations participated with discussion groups, community conversations, and a culminating session and service with the author.
Screen a Film
- Christ Presbyterian Church: Film Discussion: When They See Us (click here for details)
contact Jami Wood at jamilane.wood@gmail.com - Film Viewing and Discussion: Milwaukee 53206
Madison Christian Community: contact Tina Hogle at mamahogle@gmail.com - Film Viewing and Discussion: 13th
Madison Christian Community: contact Tina Hogle at mamahogle@gmail.co
Host an art exhibit
- Faces of Incarceration: contact John Mix at jmixforpeace@hotmail.com
- The Artwork of DarRen Morris: contact Judith Adrian at: judadrian@gmail.com
- Fall Criminal Justice Events–a sustained three month focus:
Madison Christian Community: contact Tina Hogle at mamahogle@gmail.com - Solitary Confinement Truck: contact Talib Akbar at: switcho453@gmail.com
Share Upcoming Events
- Flyers: Click on the event icon on the home page or calendar. Click on Download Flyer Here under the event description to download a pdf to print and share.
- Facebook: Go to the MOSES Madison Facebook Group and click on Events. Find the event you want to share and click on the Share link to share on your congregation page and personal page.
Share information in your congregational communications
- Request a MOSES article that fits the specs for your newsletter or bulletin. Contact Pam Gates pml.gts@gmail.com to request assistance.
- Articles may be also copied and pasted from the newsletter pdf into a document for inclusion in organization bulletins or newsletters. Click here to reach the newsletter archive.
- Calls/e-mails to legislators
- Updates provided on legislative issues at meetings
- Mailings 2x/year on “Actions to Take”