Protection of all community members from dangers to their lives, homes, physical security, and mental health. “We’re all safer when the larger community is fairer and safer.”
We are all responsible for public safety. Certain people are entrusted to be agents of public safety including but not limited to:
traditional first responders (police, firefighters, EMTs)
other professionals (mental health workers, AODA counselors, peer support specialists, medical providers, social workers, teachers and other school personnel, etc.)
lawmakers, as they develop policy and systems
community volunteers– including neighborhood associations, “violence interrupters,” restorative justice programs, churches, literacy and mentoring programs, community resource centers, promoters of economic opportunity and racial justice
artists and cultural workers whose work is in the public sphere.
These people are commissioned to protect and support all members of society, especially those who are vulnerable or less powerful.
We meet the third Thursday of each month from 6:00-7:30 pm via Zoom.
Please contact co-chairs Tina Hogle at or Gloria Stevenson-McCarter if you would like to join this group!