- Brief History of RJAC Formation and Work
RJAC was formed in July 2020 with a broad scope as noted in these Founding Principles.
To focus our initial efforts, we formed two working groups:
- Education Advocacy Group’s mission is to improve racial justice support for schools in Dane County, where we presently are working to ensure that all our kids can read to learn by grade 4 by focusing on the identification of kids with dyslexia.
- Housing Group’s mission is to expand access to affordable housing for families with children in Dane County, where we presently are working to reduce eviction records retention.
RJAC Organizational Context
MOSES is part of a statewide and national network of organizations advocating for social justice. See Connections for Justice for a brief description of how these fit together.
RJAC is one of several task forces within the WISDOM and MOSES organizations. See Participation Opportunities for more information. Also see this Glossary of commonly used terms.
Background, Education and Community Connections
RJAC formed over a six-month period of individual conversations among members of MOSES followed by professional facilitation to help articulate and focus our effort. We then initiated preliminary education about how Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma can contribute to challenges to success in school, which can cause further trauma, behavioral issues, and disciplinary actions, which feed the prison pipeline.
The Education Advocacy Group formed in September 2020 and immediately initiated contact with the Madison Metropolitan School District, including Superintendent Dr. Carlton Jenkins and others within the administration and on the Board of Education. The group also formed connections to the Sun Prairie Area School District. In 2022, after extensive exploration of potential areas of focus, the group selected the issue of Dyslexia Evaluation and Treatment for further learning, publicity and action.
The Housing Group formed in May 2021 and sought advice from several housing experts in the community. The group participates regularly with community organizations focused on housing including the Homelessness Services Consortium and the Affordable Housing Action Alliance. As a result of these associations, the group selected the issue of Eviction Records Retention Reduction for publicity and action.